Commercial & Industrial Kitchen Degreaser Product Information
Especially formulated for commercial and industrial kitchens and commercial food service areas in need of a degreaser & cleaner. It is the perfect way to maintain a non-slip surface after it has been treated with 1001 Anti-Slip Floor and Bathtub Treatment. It is bio-degradable and can be used with hot or cold water. It can be used to clean all types of tiles, concrete, vinyl, metal, stone, and painted floors.
Slip/Falls are the number one accident problem in commercial kitchens according to the National Safety Council. They account for over 200 million dollars in Workman’s Compensation claims in the U.S. each year. Wet and greasy quarry tile floors are the major contributor to this problem.
Because quarry tiles are so porous, they absorb grease readily. 4002 emulsifies grease and lifts it out of the tile’s pores, thereby preventing the grease build-up that makes quarry tile floors so slippery. One gallon (3.79 liters), when diluted, will clean 8,000 – 10,000 sq. ft.